华侨网 华人华乡 附錄公開信: 我們都是加拿大人 加拿大華人社區致相關機構和民眾的一封公開信

附錄公開信: 我們都是加拿大人 加拿大華人社區致相關機構和民眾的一封公開信

1788 年,華人第一次來到加拿大。 1885 年開始的淘金熱和太平洋鐵路的建造吸引了更多的華人像許多其他族裔的移民一樣湧入加拿大。 由於加拿大當時的條件極為惡劣,數以千計的華工將生命留在了太平洋鐵路的工地上。
多年來,我們在一個對新移民來說並不總是友善的國度中,努力地為創造一個美好的未來而奮鬥。 我們只要想想 1885 年臭名昭著的華裔人頭稅和 1923 年的排華法案,就知道華人在長達 60多年的時間裡生活在怎樣的歧視和恐懼之下。 2006 年,我們終於等來了加拿大政府的道歉,我們接受了這個道歉。 我們相信,這樣的惡行不該發生,也不允許再一次在加拿大社會發生! 我們來到加拿大是為了尋求美好的生活。 我們積極參與建立一個在世界上具有強大而穩定的民主機制的國家。 加拿大人權憲章賦予我們和我們的孩子享受在加拿大社會中自由和平等的權利,使得每個人在這個國家都感覺像在家一樣安全。
今天,華裔加拿大人是加拿大社會較大的少數族群之一。 和其他加拿大人一道,我們為我們所取得的成就和貢獻而感到驕傲和自豪。 一些著名的華裔代表,如前總督伍冰枝、花式滑冰選手陳偉群、華裔女飛行員朱美嬌、前亞省省督林佐民、前參議員利德蕙等等,諭示華裔已經成為加拿大不可或缺的一部分 。
幾年前,我們還在感受加拿大生活的坦然、舒適。 然而,一切都改變了。 我們的社區和民眾感受到了巨大的壓力,中加兩國政府的政治差異和緊張的關係產生的各種負面影響危及了我們。
這也許是因為孟晚舟和兩個麥克的事件,也許還有新冠疫情以及所謂的間諜氣球,特別是近期對 外國政府乾預加拿大大選的指控和皇家騎警正在調查的中國警察站。 加之新聞媒體對這些「故事」 捕風捉影、添油加醋、聳人聽聞的報道;皇家騎警對社區成員的不停問訊和調查,華人社區和每 個成員面臨的巨大壓力和恐懼可想而知。 這一切,不僅大大改變了我們所生存、生活的安全寧 靜的環境,也在改變加拿大社會對華人社區的和諧友善的看法。 加拿大社會引以為傲的這片自由 的土地,正因為華裔社區所面臨的巨大恐懼和憂慮而受到質疑和挑戰。
像所有加拿大人一樣,我們相信各種制度是民主社會的根基。 我們支持所有為完善和加強我們社 會制度的努力。 我們歡迎並支持新聞媒體和司法機構為捍衛我們社會制度所做的專業和盡心的 工作,但同時我們也呼籲加拿大社會要極力避免一葉障目給華人社區帶來的誤解甚至歧視。
正如 2023 年 3 月 17 日「環球郵報」所發表的那篇《我為何為中國幹預加拿大大選吹哨》一文(1)所說:
「我們必須意識到這不是黨派之爭,也不是中國的問題。每一個加拿大人,不管你是進步派、保守派還是華裔,我們必須承認我們都是加拿大人!我們必須堅決抵制這種把一個 人和其他人對立起來的條件反射,才能集中對應我們面臨的挑戰。我們必須認識到,保護加拿大社會的價值觀不應該、不需要、也不能夠以放棄我們對多樣性和多元文化主義的承諾為 代價。我們必須團結成一個
整體,捫心自問,如何才能在這次、下一次,以及以後的每一次做得更好。 」
這正是我們所支持、所希望、所期待的! 100 年前,我們生活在恐懼之中,現在,我們要做為一個整體共同阻止此類事件再次發生!

Citizens of Chinese origin – we are all Canadian

JIMMY CHAN President of the Chin Win Ching Ton Family Association, on behalf of 49 cosignatories (below) Published in La Presse, Apr 28, 2023

More than 200 years ago, the first immigrants of Chinese origin settled in Canada. There followed a first wave of immigration which began in 1858. It continued with the gold rush then, from 1881 to 1885, with the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway which, given the deplorable work conditions, caused the death of hundreds of them.
Over the years, we have worked hard to carve out a place for ourselves in a country that was not always welcoming to immigrants. Let us think in particular of the head tax imposed on immigrants of Chinese origin from 1885 as well as the Chinese Immigration Act of 1923, two initiatives which helped to restrict Chinese immigration for more than 60 years. . Moreover, in 2006, the Chinese community accepted a long-awaited apology from the Canadian government. We believe that these events should never have happened and should certainly not happen again.
We came to Canada in search of a better life and to help build a country with an exemplary democracy, a country where everyone benefits from the fundamental rights found in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Today, the Chinese community represents one of the largest ethnic groups in Canada. Together with all our fellow citizens, we are proud of what we have accomplished. We are also proud of our contribution. Let us think in particular of Adrienne Clarkson, Patrick Chan, Margaret Gee, Norman L. Kwong, former senator Vivienne Poy and several others. These people are all part of our history.
A feeling that crumbles
Until recently, we had the feeling of living in harmony in Canada. Unfortunately, this feeling is crumbling. Indeed, in recent years, the social pressure exerted on members of our community has been such that it is difficult to remain indifferent to it. It seems to us that the differences and tensions that exist between the government of Canada and that of China are now having direct repercussions on our community. It may have started with the US extradition request for Meng Wanzhou and the arrest of the two Michaels in China. There has also been the COVID-19 pandemic and, more recently, the so-called “spy balloons”, allegations of Chinese interference in Canadian elections and allegations of Chinese police stations illegal immigrants who are currently the subject of investigations by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Moreover, this gives rise to numerous interrogations among members of the Chinese community, largely because of their ethnic origin.
If we add to these events sometimes sensationalist and biased media coverage, it becomes easy to understand the discomfort and fear experienced by Canadians of Chinese origin.
Across Canada, these events have drastically changed the social environment in which we live and the perception of fellow citizens towards us. In our opinion, this situation puts a strain on the fundamental values that make Canada an exceptional country. Certainly, we support and encourage the work of the media and the authorities responsible for enforcing our laws. However, in doing so, let us avoid pointing the finger at an entire community and its members, which leads to stigmatization and great discrimination.
Like all Canadians, we believe that our institutions represent an essential component of our democracy. We support every initiative aimed at making them stronger. As read in the opinion article entitled “Why I blew the whistle on Chinese interference on Canada’s election” ), written by a national security official and published in the Globe & Mail on March 17, 2023: “That being said, we must recognize that this is not a partisan issue. Or a question regarding China. Your fellow progressive Canadians, your fellow conservative Canadians and your fellow Canadians of Chinese origin are, above all, Canadians. As we continue this conversation, we must resist the impulse to simplify this challenge to a question of “us versus them.” We must recognize that protecting our civic values should not and cannot make us abandon our commitment to diversity and multiculturalism. We must come together as a national community and ask ourselves how we can do better this time, the next time, and in every opportunity after that. >>
This is precisely what we believe in and what we hope for from our country. In the past we have lived in fear. Today, let’s not allow this to happen again!

Co-signatories: Greater Montreal Chinese Community Development Committee; Toronto Fuqing Chamber of Commerce; CTCCO; Fengye Art Culture Center; Canadian Alliance for the Peaceful Reunification of China; Canadian Federation of Fujian Associations; Association of Guangverses in Canada; Organizations in Canada; Federation of Canadian Chinese Schools; Canadian Anhui Merchants Association; Canadian Science & Technology & Culture Commerce Association; Canada Quebec Sichuan Chamber of Commerce; Canada Quebec of Sichuan Association; Chaohow AssociAsation of Queo/; Canada Quebec of Sichuan Association; Chaohow AssociAsation of Quec/how,ocihowc/howd how Chinese 協會 of Commerce; TAC College; Canadian Chamber of Commerce of Shandong; Canada Yunnan Association; Chinese Culture and Arts Association of Canada; Canada China Agriculture Association Inc. (Saskatchewan); CCFPA; Canada China Cultural Exchange Association Inc. (Saskatchewan); CCFPA; Canada China Cultural Exchange Association Inc. (Saskatchewan); ; Anhui Association of Quebec; Association of Pekingese of Quebec; Fujian Dragon Boat Club; Quebec Grace Multicultural Association; Henan Chamber of Commerce in Canada; Henan City Association of Quebec; Hubei Association of Quebec; Alliance of Quebec; Alliance of Quebec; Alliance of Quebec; Alliance of Quebec; Alliance. Shanxi Association of Quebec; Tianjin Association of Quebec; Quebec Yunnan Chamber of Commerce; Quebec Taishan Ningyang Association + Eagle Sports Club; Montreal Chin Wing Chun Tong Association; Montreal Gee How Tong Associ Duation; Montreal Chin Wing Chun Tong Association; Montreal Gee How Tong Association; The Associ Assocation; Association of Montreal; Montreal Chinese Chamber of Commerce; Montreal Chinese Culture and Arts Foundation (MCCAF); Chinese-Canadian Chamber of Commerce; CCSTA.





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