华侨网 华人华乡 加拿大華人社區致外國干涉公眾調查小組的公開信


加拿大社區 –向 PIFI 提交意見:尊重加拿大華人的民主權利,反對現代的排斥
2024 年 3 月 27 日

加拿大1885年成立的皇家華人移民委員會對華人來說結局並不好。 它導致了四項華人移民法案。 最後一項是1923年的排華法案。 在2023年,有人要求對中國的干涉和影響進行公開調查,並設立外國代理人登記處。 當前事件與一百年前的排華法案之間存在直接聯繫。
儘管「外國干涉公開調查」的標題無傷大雅,但加拿大人認為調查聚焦於加拿大華人社區。 我們社區中的一些人擔心政府和所有政黨的定位,會對我們參與民主選舉進程並投票給我們希望的任何人的民主權利攻擊,受到「外國勢力影響」的懷疑。 我們再一次有了被排除在外,被剝奪了對民主權利的恐懼。
在對華人僑民懷疑陰雲下,我們的社區機構正在受到影響。 華人社區機構被指控為所謂的中國「警察局」。 例如大蒙特利爾華人服務中心為魁北克華人服務了50年,遭受污衊、調查並被排除在政府資助之外。 它正處於危險之中,由於缺乏資金而會被迫關閉。 還有加拿大華裔科學家甘延太 ,黃清被指控為中國從事間諜活動。 此後由於RCMP未能向法庭提供任何證據,他們未獲得任何定罪,他們的案件在多年後被擱置調查。 同樣,PCMP也沒有提供任何證據證明華人服務中心是中國「警察局」。
《排華法案》通過一百年後,加拿大華人仍然為自由政治表達與參與的民主權利; 競選公職;投票給他們想要的任何人,而不會面臨外國干涉的指控影響而奮爭。 加拿大華人有權以安全及明確的歸屬感為自己在這個國家的歷史,對加拿大的貢獻而感到驕傲;他們還應該有能夠承認祖籍國今天所取得的成就,而無需引發“外國干涉”說法的 能力。
我們,以下簽名者,贊同所附公開信:「加拿大華裔-我們都是加拿大人」。 此封公開信由陳氏公所 Jimmy Chan 代表提交,共有 49 位共同簽署者,並於 2023 年 4 月 28 日在 La Presse 上發表。(看另文)

Open Letter to the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference from members of the Chinese Canadian community — Submission to PIFI

Respect the Democratic Rights of Chinese Canadians and Oppose Modern Day Exclusion March 27, 2024

Canada’s 1885 Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration did not end well for the Chinese. It resulted in four Chinese Immigration Acts. The last one was the 1923 Chinese Exclusion Act. In 2023, there were demands for a public inquiry on Chinese interference and influence, and a foreign agent registry. There is a direct connection between current events to those of a hundred years ago.
Despite the innocuous title of the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference, Canadians see the inquest spotlight aimed at the Chinese Canadian community. Some in our community are concerned that the positioning of the government and all the political parties as attacks on our democratic rights to participate in the electoral process and to vote for whomever we wish without raising suspicions of being influenced by a foreign power. Once again, we have a fear of being excluded and deprived of our democratic rights.
Under this cloud of suspicion over the Chinese diaspora, our community institutions are being targeted for alleged Chinese “police stations.” Community organizations such as the Chinese Family Service of Greater Montreal, which has served the Chinese Quebecois for 50 years, are stigmatized, investigated and excluded from receiving government funding. It is in danger of being closed due the lack of funds. Chinese Canadian scientists, e.g., Yentai Gan1 and Qing Quentin Huang2, have been charged for spying for China. No conviction has been obtained since no evidence was presented before the courts, and the cases have been stayed after many years of investigation. Similarly, no evidence has been provided to prove that the Chinese Family Service is a Chinese “police station.”
A hundred years after the passing of the Chinese Exclusion Act, Chinese Canadians are still fighting for the democratic rights of free political expression and participation; to run for office; and to vote for whomever they wish without facing accusations of foreign interference and influence. Chinese Canadians have the right to be proud of their history in this country, and their contributions to Canada, with a safe and unambiguous sense of belonging. They should also have the ability to acknowledge the present-day accomplishments of their ancestral homeland without provoking the trope of “foreign interference.”
We, the undersigned, endorse the attached open letter, “Citizens of Chinese Origin – we are all Canadian,” submitted by Jimmy Chan of the Chin Win Ching Ton Family Association on behalf of 49 co-signatories, and published in La Presse, April 28, 2023: (read other article)

William Ging Wee Dere, Chinese Canadian historian and author
Tina Jiuru Zhu, Founding President, Canada China Friendship Promotion Association
May Chiu, Attorney and community activist
Xixi Li, Executive Director, Chinese Family Service of Greater Montreal and Centre Sino-
Quebec de la Rive Sud
Jonathan Dai, President, Canada China Council for Cooperation and Development
Walter Chiyan Tom, Lawyer and community activist
Henry Lee, Malaysian Association of Canada
Helen Li, Chair, China Solidarity Committee
Commission Marking the 100th Anniversary of the Chinese Exclusion Act
Canadian Association of Chinese Performing Arts (CACPA)
Canada China Council for Cooperation and Development
HM Peace Building and Research Society
Chinese Family Service of Greater Montreal
Centre Sino-Quebec de la Rive Sud
Canadian Association of Chinese Professors (CACP)
Southern Medical University Alumni Association of Canada
Nanchang University Alumni Association of Canada
Canada Jiangxi Association





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